My Sexy Saturday: Take A Shower by Susan Hanniford Crowley

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The scene this week is from my book Vampire King of New York. Max and Evelyn are trying to move to a new level in their relationship.  Have you have walked in on your beloved in the shower?

This blog hop involves 7 paragraphs only.


He grinned, standing there in his whoa… just looking at him hurt all over in all the right places. “You VampyreKingOfNewYork_400X600should know better than that by now.”

Evelyn could feel the crimson burn spread up her neck to her face. He couldn’t read her mind, so how did he know.

His grin broadened, and he showed no sign of pulling back the curtain to disrupt her view. “Or did you wake with a fierce desire?”

Yes, she was definitely beet red now. “Um.”

In one movement, he scooped her up and pulled her into the tub, closing the curtain. His lips captured hers, his tongue penetrating and playing a game. Evelyn just surrendered to the whole thing. He could have her. He could do anything he wanted with her. That’s how much she ached for him.

The hot water streamed over her nightshirt accentuating her curves. His thumb stroked her nipple through the wet fabric.

“So, my love, have we reached a truth?”

This is Book 1 in the series Arnhem Knights of New York and is available in Kindle and Print, Nook and Print, and Kobo.

Here are more blogs participating in My Sexy Saturday! Enjoy! Start with
